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Who is Sara Book Publication

Sara Book Publication is one of the Indian fastest growing publishing agency established in 2011 with an aim to give liberty to all the talented writers and poets with a chance to get themselves published at very affordable price. We are recognized as high quality book publishers who offer something for all age groups.
We publish books on a wide range of category such as Text books, Engineering, Management, Fiction, Finance, Medical, World Politics, Sports, Business, Philosophy, Biography, Religion, Novels, Poetry and many other prolific writings in English Gujarati and Hindi. We evaluate all the received manuscripts for its enthusiasm all over the world. We inform the author about the manuscript if it is selected or if any improvisation is possible. A 13 digits ISBN is assigned to each edition and reprints.

What does it Cost?

SBP charges humble amount of Rs.12000/- for 100 designed pages (approx 150 pages as per word document in 1.5 spacing), for additional pages Rs.50/- shall be charged for every additional page designed. This charge includes costs like cover page design, layout work, design of book in CDR/indesign format, along with cost of ISBN Number with 5 Complementary Colour Books.
For International Authors (Authors outside India):
The fees shall be 300 USDs for 100 Designed Pages(approx 150 pages as per word document in 1.5 spacing), for Additional 50 pages designed, fees of 50 USDs shall be charged. This charge inclusive of costs like cover page design, layout work, design of book in CDR/in design format, along with cost of ISBN Number with 5 Complementary Colour Books.

How you count Royalty of the Authors

The published books are put on our website for sale and the authors/writers are entitle to receive 10% of the royalty amount on a sale of every book.

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