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Perspective Of Karnataka Tourism


by Mr. Hanamantaraya Gouda

ISBN Number : 978 - 93 - 88672 - 59 - 7

Authors Details

Author Name Image About Author
Mr. Hanamantaraya Gouda
Mr. Hanamantaraya Gouda is an Assistant Professor & HOD in the Department of MBA Tourism & Travel Management at Karnataka Folklore University, Gotagodi, Haveri, Karnataka. I obtained MTA (Master of Tourism Administration-Five year Integrated) Degree from Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi in the year 2013. Along with the degree I have cleared K.SET, FDP (Faculty Development Programme) at CUK and I have got industrial training in different Sectors of tourism and hospitality industry for the intension of growing up in teaching profession and also I have ve year experience in teaching and one year experience in industry and I have contributed several research papers and articles in national and international journals, and published two books, presented and participated so many national and international conferences and workshops in tourism and hospitality industry.

Book Description

Karnataka Biodiversity is unique and beauty. It has emerged as an important and one of the important contributions to the state's economy. Biodiversity is part of our daily lives and livelihood, and constitutes resources upon which families, communities, nations and future generations depend. The great variety of life on earth has provided for man's needs over thousands of years. This diversity of living creatures forms a support system which has been used by each civilization for its growth and development. Those that used this “bounty of nature” carefully and sustainably survived. Those that overused or misused it disintegrated This paper is divided into three parts. Part one represents introduction, research methodology, and objectives of the study. Part two review of Biodiversity and Karnataka Tourism spots how it helps for adventurer this paper qualitative and Quantitative. This study is based on information obtained from secondary sources which includes many examples which as follows Final and third part includes suggestions of the study.