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Modern Teaching Methods Of Mathematics


by Dr. Kotreshwaraswamy A. Surapuramath

ISBN Number : 978 - 1- 73041 - 823 - 5

Authors Details

Author Name Image About Author
Dr. Kotreshwaraswamy A. Surapuramath
Dr. Kotreshwaraswamy A. Surapuramath present working as Assistant Professor in Department of Post Graduate Studies in Education, Vijaya Teachers College, Jayanagar, Bangalore he has 11 years experience in Different Colleges of Education and Post Graduate level. He published 25 research articles in various reputed National and International journals and he participated and present paper in National and International seminar, conference and workshop. He published Book Entitle “Education in Emerging India” for B.Ed Students.

Book Description

Mathematics is the back-bone of modern civilization. It is not only important in modern civilization but also has its own merits in the past civilization. Mathematics has played a decisive role in building up every civilization. But in doing so it has also made itself essential for the existence and progress of modern world. It is the science of all the sciences and art of all the arts. It is very essential for the modern day's technological developments. Mathematics is an accepted science which deals with the quantities aspect of our life and knowledge. It helps in drawing necessary conclusion and inter – preating various results. How does mathematics do all these things? It can understand and cleared by the meaning and value of mathematics.