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Local Wisdom For Education And Environmental Sociology


by Dr. Erianjoni, M.Si

ISBN Number : 978 - 93 - 88672 - 83 - 2

Authors Details

Author Name Image About Author
Dr. Erianjoni, M.Si
The author was born in Baso, Agam Regency - Indonesia on February 28 1974, then pursued his undergraduate education at the Department of Sociology, Universitas Andalas (UNAND) 1993-1998. The master's education in Sociology was won at the Postgraduate - Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) Yogyakarta in 2006, due to interest in the education sector continuing the doctoral program at the Postgraduate - Universitas Negeri Padang (UNP), graduated in 2014. From 2001-2009 he was appointed as a lecturer in the Sociology Education study program, Faculty of Social Sciences - UNP. In addition, he is also a lecturer in the Postgraduate - UNP including Masters in Social Science Education, Masters in Geography Education, Masters in Public Administration, and Masters in Environmental Sciences. The author is also a lecturer in 1) The Sociographic Impact of Climate Change; 2) Disaster Education; 3) Spatial Social Interaction; 4) Local Based Education; 5) Human Ecology; and 6) Environmental and Disaster Sociology. Currently, he also joins the Center for Disaster Studies and the Center for Population and Environmental Research (PPKLH) at UNP and is also appointed as the Advisor for the Student Activity Unit for Nature Lovers for the Environment (MPALH). He conducted a lot of research on the Local Wisdom of the Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster in Aceh, the adaptation of the community after the Mount Sinabung Disaster and the Local Wisdom of the Landslide Disaster in West Sumatra, as well as writing about COVID-19 as a social disaster.

Book Description

This book discusses the matters related to 1) The formulation of Local Wisdom Values based on the Disaster after Earthquake and Tsunami in Aceh Jaya Regency; 2) Adoption and Adaptation of Minangkabau Local Cultural Values for Teaching Materials Social Science (IPS) in Junior High School in Padang; 3) The Role of the Local Institution "Tuangku Lapan Puluah" in Conict Resolution in Nagari Community ; 4) Development of Sociology Teaching Materials on Disaster Mitigation based on Local Wisdom; 5) Climate Change: Socio-Cultural Vulnerability and an Anticipation Policy; 6) Local Wisdom in Religious Institutions as a Social Environment; 7) Landslide Disaster Mitigation Through a Socio- Cultural Approach to Policy Utilization of Local Wisdom Values ; 8) Integration of Local Wisdom Values (Minangkabau) into Sociology Teaching Materials for Character Creation of the Students; 9) The Role of Local Institution "My Tuangku Lapan" in Conict Resolution in Nagari Community; 10) The Impact of Halal Tourist Destination Program to Characteristic of Social- Culture and its Influence on the Education Development; and 11) Sustainability and Adaptation of the Local Disaster Risk Area.