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Infection Control In Dentistry


by Rudra Kaul

ISBN Number : 978 - 1- 73039 - 992 - 3

Authors Details

Author Name Image About Author
Rudra Kaul
An all-rounder since the beginning, Dr. Rudra completed his BDS from the prestigious Government Dental College and Hospital, Mumbai in 2008. He finished his MDS in Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics from Government Dental College and Hospital, Srinagar in 2012. His keen acumen in designing and conducting in vivo and in vitro research studies has fetched him a number research papers and prizes to his credit. He has been a popular teacher amongst hundreds of BDS students from Institute of Dental Sciences and Indira Gandhi Government Dental College, Jammu.
Vibhuti Kaul
A formidable figure in the making, Dr. Vibhuti graduated from Indira Gandhi Government Dental College and Hospital, Jammu in 2012, top of her class in final year. She went on to pursue her Masters in Oral Medicine and Radiology from Government Dental College and Hospital, Srinagar from 2012-2015. She has won many prizes for best paper, poster and essay in National conferences. Till date, she has authored numerous papers in national as well as international journals. Currently, she is working as Registrar, Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, Indira Gandhi Government Dental College and Hospital, Jammu.

Book Description

Infection control procedures , although well recognized in general medicine and surgery , were late in coming to dentistry . Until the late 1970's , dentistry had a dual approach to infection control . Dental procedures at that time were divided into surgical and non surgical . In former the aseptic precautions were taken but often gloves were not worn . In latter usually “kitchen cleanliness” and wet finger dentistry was normally practiced.