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House Tree Person Test Drawing Styles And Interpretation An Indian Perspective


by Avinash De Sousa

ISBN Number : 978 - 93 - 88672 - 15 - 3

Authors Details

Author Name Image About Author
Avinash De Sousa
Consultant Psychiatrist and Psychotherapist
Pragya Lodha
Clinical Psychologist

Book Description

The House Tree Person test is a projective test that is administered to understand the personality and emotional organisation of an individual. Originally developed by Florence Goodenough, the test has received global appreciation since the development in 1960s. however, in the Indian subcontinent, there has been a dire need to understand the personality and emotional organisation with cultural relevance, which has been amiss in the standardised HTP manual. This guideline handbook has been developed with the core focus on the interpretations of drawings from an Indian perspective in order to better understand the milieu of the Indian patients and their psychopathological underpinnings in a clinical context. Readers are cautioned to remember that this book is a guideline based on accumulated experience of using this test in clinical practice for over 2 decades and does not aim to replace the manual. This guideline book can be used concomitantly with the HTP manual(standardised) for better understanding of psychopathology in the Indian cultural framework. The guidelines promise to enrich clinical interpretation of the test for mental health practitioners in India or those working with Indian patients.