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General Topology


by Dr. Mallikarjun Y. Kumbar

ISBN Number : 978 - 1- 73027 - 637 - 8

Authors Details

Author Name Image About Author
Dr. Mallikarjun Y. Kumbar
Dr. Mallikarjun Y. Kumbar has 3 years of experience in teaching Mathematics for different courses. He has taught Mathematics for post graduate and under graduate courses. He obtained the doctoral degree (Ph.D.,) under the guidance of Prof. Narasimhamurthy S. K., in the year 2015. The title of his thesis is “Finsler space and its applications to gravitational theory”. He obtained his M.Sc. degree from the Kuvempu University with first class. He tries to keep himself abreast of the development in the area of his interest in Finsler Manifold and Relativity. He has published more than 12 papers in the prestigious international journals. A couple of other papers have been communicated for publication. Also he has attended and presented papers in more than 30 national/international conferences/workshops.
Prof. Narasimhamurthy S. K.
Prof. Narasimhamurthy S. K., is a Chairman, Department of P.G. studies and research in Mathematics, Kuvempu University, Shimoga. He has 20 years of experience in teaching Mathematics for different courses. He has taught Mathematics for post graduate courses like M.Sc., M.Sc.,(Comp. Sc.,), MCA., etc. Beside he has proved to be an eminent researcher in the area of his interest in Finsler Manifold and Relativity. He has guided 10 students for their doctoral degree. Also awarded M.Phil.,degree for 12 students. He has published more than 100 research papers in the prestigious international journals. Also he has attended and gave invited talks in more than 80 national/international conferences/workshops.

Book Description

This is an introductory text which presents fundamental concepts from the subject areas of Topology. This comprehensive treatment for beginning graduate-level students immediately found a significant audience, and it remains a highly worthwhile and relevant book for students of topology and for professionals in many areas. A systematic exposition of the part of general topology that has proven useful in several branches of mathematics, this volume is especially intended as background for modern analysis. An extensive prelimi- nary chapter presents mathematical foundations for the main text. Subsequent chapters explore topological spaces, product and quotient spaces, embedding and metrization and compact, uniform and function spaces. Each chapter concludes with an abundance of problems, which form integral parts of the discussion as well as reinforcements and counter examples that mark the boundaries of possible theorems. Each chapters includes many illustrative worked examples. At the end of each chapter there is a collection of exercises which range in difficulty. Many new ideas are presented in the exercises and so the students should be encouraged to read all the exercises. The book concludes with an extensive index that provides supplementary material on elementary topolog. The purpose of preparing these notes is to condense into an introductory text the basic definitions and techniques arising in General Topology. In particular, the material is presented to develop a basic understanding of the mathematical concepts associated with topological concepts which arise in many areas of mathematical applications. From these basic concepts one can go onto develop more sophisticated models of applied mathematics. The material is presented in an informal manner and uses mathematics which minimizes excessive formalism.