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Dynamics Of Handling Covid-19 From The Perspective Of Social Sciences


by Association of Social Science

ISBN Number : 978 - 93 - 91478 - 63 - 6

Authors Details

Author Name Image About Author
Association of Social Science
Lecturers, Universitas Negeri Padang, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology Republic of Indonesia

Book Description

It has been almost two years since the beginning of 2020, the COVID- 19 pandemic that has hit the world, including Indonesia, is still a challenge that must be faced both in the health, economic and social elds. Many things have changed, especially in terms of science, technology, and humanities about how humans as social beings adapt to the existence of this virus. Restrictions on the physical interaction between humans due to the ease with which this virus spreads have put pressure on innovation and radical changes to the pattern of people's lives. Various policies have been carried out by the government to reduce the spread and negative impacts of this COVID-19 pandemic. However, instead of getting easier, the challenges that arise are getting more complex. The existence of the COVID-19 pandemic is not only a health issue, but further than that, it turns out that the COVID-19 pandemic touches a multidimensional eld that is also affected by this health crisis. Therefore, efforts from all parties, including intellectuals and academics from universities, are needed to contribute optimally to overcome the crisis due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Universitas Negeri Padang, as one of the leading state universities in Indonesia, also strives with various competencies and capacities in the relevant elds of science to contribute ideas and ideas in combating the COVID-19 pandemic together with all stakeholders. One manifestation of that contribution is the publication of a book initiated by the Faculty of Social Sciences, Universitas Negeri Padang with the title “Dynamics of Handling COVID-19 from the Perspective of Social Sciences “. Acknowledgments the editor of this book, Dr. Zikri Alhadi, M.A; Rahmadani Yusran, S.Sos., M.Si; Irwan, M.Sc, Monica Tiara, S.Pd., M.Pd; and Aprizon Putra, S.Pd., M.Si as well as book authors who have been willing to take the time to contribute ideas and ideas as a form of academic contribution to the problems of the nation and state. I also express my appreciation to the leaders of the Faculty of Social Sciences, the Dean Dr. Siti Fatimah, M.Pd, M.Hum, and the Deputy Deans Afriva Khaidir, SH, M.Hum, MAPA, Ph.D.; Dr. Ahmad Rivauzi, S.Pdi, M.A; and Dr. Yudi Antomi, M.Si in encouraging the publication of this book. Finally, I hope that this book will be an encouragement for the academic community of Universitas Negeri Padang and other intellectuals to contribute their thoughts in overcoming various problems faced by our beloved society, nation, and country.