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Complexities Of Hiv & Aids


by Dr. Rosemary Chimbala-Kalenga

ISBN Number : 978 - 1- 73024 - 934 - 1

Authors Details

Author Name Image About Author
Dr. Rosemary Chimbala-Kalenga
Dr Rosemary Chimbala-Kalenga is democratic, pacer setter and visionary leader. She leads HIV & AIDS research at regional, provincial and national levels. She is well published in both national and international accredited journals. Her passion for research is in HIV & AIDS, education, indigenous knowledge systems, leadership and inclusive education management. She presents cutting-edge research on both national and international audiences. She currently holds the position of director for HIV & AIDS Research at the Nelson Mandela universit
Dr. Nceba Nyembezi
Senior Researcher: HIV & AIDS Research Nelson Mandela University P.O. Box 77000 South Campus Summerstrand Port Elizabeth South Africa

Book Description

The research papers compiled in this book is a vital component of teaching and learning about issues regarding HIV and AIDS in multi-disciplines, such as education, law, tourism, workplace wellness in general. It has cutting-edge researched chapters that can be used for policy making in various sectors. This book shows that HIV and AIDS poses macro and micro-economic consequences within any setting of high prevalence. This book also demonstrates how inclusion can be done systematically in institutions of learning and training institutions that are currently feeling the challenges the pandemic has brought in the classroom of teaching and learning. This book clearly shows how diverse and complex the epidemic HIV and AIDS is, and how it has changed the course of our history. From all the different research projects done, this book gives evidence that HIV and AIDS as an epidemic has shifted from being a typical health issue to a development issue with social, political and economic dimensions which is bound to strain government expenditure even more. The book shows how HIV and AIDS burden will erode public services such as health, education etc… HIV and AID has crippled our society to such an extent that grand-parents have to take care of their children and helplessly watch them die and remain in stigmatized communities to raise grand children who are orphaned by HIV and AIDS. Therefore, this book brings an alertness of how the future looks like if the HIV and AIDS Pandemic is not taken seriously by all levels of societies.