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A Clerkship And Internship Companion For Doctor Of Pharmacy


by Dr. Ramesh Ganpisetti

ISBN Number : 978 - 93 - 91478 - 06 - 3

Authors Details

Author Name Image About Author
Dr. Ramesh Ganpisetti
Dr. Ramesh Ganpisetti is community pharmacist, community pharmacy & clinical pharmacy consultant.He is a full- time researcher at the University of Portsmouth in the UK. He is also a pharmacist, doctor of pharmacy at university of Osmania.he had a rst class, upper division from my undergraduate degree and a distinction from his Master’s degree. His research interests are clinical Neuroscience, epidemiology processes and interventions, Microbiology, pharmaceutics and analysis, pharmacy practice. He is interested in working with you and your research group. He worked his thesis in intervention study and he enjoyed it a great deal. He had also spent quality time working as a research assistant in UK pharmacy research groups. He had around 10 publications. He has participated in various pharmacy practice and pharmacy policy research units and has presented various sessions at the annual indian congresses.he has been speaker at various pharmacy events.Dr. Ramesh Ganpisetti has completed ,published and presented some quantitative research studies focusing on academic leadership, nursing and pharmacy education.

Book Description

This Clerkship/Internship Manual of the Department of Pharmacy, University of Malta has been designed to educate and train the students in the detection and management of drug-related problems and to assist the students in applying the acquired knowledge in the promotion of rational drug therapy. The internship is prepared to provide academically supervised clinical experiences which will give the interns a better knowledge of the most current and appropriate methods of collecting and applying clinical information concerning the therapeutic and toxic effects of drugs. The clinical practice experience in clerkships is a different learning experience than dictated courses. There will be numerous opportunities to gain an appreciation and understanding of the concept of pharmaceutical care as well as share in the ultimate responsibility for patient care outcomes. The Department of Pharmacy at Malta provides an experiential learning environment which will assist our interns to become condent, caring and ethical pharmacy practitioners with the ability to think critically and apply their knowledge and skills in the best interest of their patients, regarding individualized pharmacotherapy planning, intervention and outcome evaluation. The clinical experiences imparted on interns by well qualied and experienced preceptors will help them to enter their choice of clinical specialty, to continue successfully in their lifelong learning and practice and to meet their responsibilities as a health care practitioner to patients and the society.